
Tuesday, May 25, 2021


According to the Barabási-Albert model, the ability of a node to acquire more links grows with the node's age. But in reality newer nodes can acquire a large number of links and become hubs, despite their age. To try and explain this behavior, the Bianconi-Barabási model was created. Choose the incorrect alternative regarding this model.

  1. A new property of a node is introduced, namely, its fitness, that represents its ability to turn a random link into a permanent link.
  2. The new model is composed of two main steps. In the first step, a new node is added in the network with a random fitness.
  3. The new model is composed of two main steps. In the second step, links are created using preferential attachment.
  4. Preferential attachment in this model is driven by the product of the node's fitness by its degree.
  5. None of the above. 


Original idea by: Adolfo Aires Schneider

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