
Monday, June 21, 2021


In the SIR disease spreading model, three different states are defined, namely, Susceptible (Healthy), Infected (Sick) and Removed (Immune/Dead). The fractions of individual per state, over time, present the following evolution curves and differential equations:

Choose the alternative that correctly associates each curve with its state and rate equation.

  1. 3 - c) (Susceptible),  2 - b) (Infected),  1 - a) (Removed)
  2. 1 - a) (Susceptible),  2 - b) (Infected),  3 - c) (Removed)
  3. 3 - a) (Susceptible),  2 - b) (Infected),  1 - c) (Removed)
  4. 1 - c) (Susceptible),  2 - b) (Infected),  3 - a) (Removed)
  5. None of the above.

Original idea by: Diego Moreira.

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