
Monday, November 15, 2021


Evaluate each of the following statements:

1 - Under random node removal, a random network will break into smaller components in a gradual, linear way.

2 - Scale-free networks, regardless of the degree distribution exponent, are robust against random failures, since their biggest component will only vanish when the fraction of removed nodes gets close to 1.

3 - The breakdown of a scale-free network is the same for random node removal and hub removal.

  1. 1-False, 2-False, 3-False
  2. 1-True, 2-True, 3-False
  3. 1-False, 2-True, 3-False
  4. 1-True, 2-True, 3-True
  5. None of the above

Original idea by Thales Rogério

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