
Sunday, June 5, 2022


Below are descriptions of Evolving Network models. Select the alternative that correctly relates each description to the named model:

    I. This model generates rather complex degree correlations. It's a possible extension of the preferential attachment model that addresses the low-degree cut-off phenomenon via the inclusion of attractiveness.

    II. This algorithm generates random scale-free networks using a preferential attachment mechanism. The network grows by adding new nodes over time, and these new nodes link to existing nodes in the network with probability proportional to the degree.

    III.  This model also it's a possible extension of the preferential attachment model where we incorporate the role of fitness. In that case , we assume that preferential attachment is driven by the product of a node’s fitness and its degree. Consequently, a node with a higher fitness will increase its degree faster.

    IV. This is a good representation of real networks were average degree s have a high increase on a short time period. In the other models discussed so far, the number of links increases linearly with the number of nodes. In this particular case, the number of links grows faster than N.

    V. This approach intends to replicate the idea of a finite life span, so nodes have a limited lifetime. In these networks, nodes do not disappear abruptly, but fade away throughout, gradually reducing the rate at which they acquire new links. That is done by introducing capacity limitations.

Now mark the correct alternative:

    A. I - Initial attractiveness, II - Barabasi-Albert,  III - Bianconi-Barabási, IV - Accelerated Growth, V - Aging

    B. I - Initial attractiveness, II - Bianconi-Barabási,  III - Barabasi-Albert, IV - Aging, V - Accelerated Growth

    C. I - Bianconi-Barabási, II - Barabasi-Albert,  III - Initial attractiveness, IV - Accelerated Growth, V - Aging

    D. I - Initial attractiveness, II - Bianconi-Barabási,  III - Barabasi-Albert, IV - Accelerated Growth, V - Aging

    E. None of the above

Original idea by: Victória Pedrazzoli

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