
Sunday, March 12, 2023


Consider the bipartite network in which the nodes are animals and the nodes are environments. If an animal \( a \) lives in an environment \( e \), then there is a link between \( a \) and \( e \). Take the following image as an example of part of this network.

If a scientist wants to know possible interactions among animals, they need to know which ones live together. One way to determine this it to:

  1. Get all nodes of \( A \); only the ones with the same degree live in the same environment
  2. Calculate the probabilistic distribution \( p_k \) of degrees; if \( p_k \) is the same for two values \( k_1 \) and \( k_2 \), then the nodes of \( A \) with degree \( k_1 \) live together with the ones of degree \( k_2 \)
  3. Calculate the projection on \( A \); if two animal nodes are connected in the projection, then they share the same environment
  4. Check which nodes of \( A \) are connected; if they are, they share the same environment
  5. None of the above

Originasl idea by: Christian Konishi

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