
Sunday, April 2, 2023



Imagine a Cayley Tree, constructed starting from a central node, where each node has degree \(k\), except the nodes at distance P from the central node, that have degree one, as shown in the figure above. Considering that the number of nodes reachable in \( t \geq 1 \) steps from the central node is \( k(k-1)^{t-1} \), and the number of links is \( L = N-1 \), where \( N \) is the number of nodes, what is the probability of conexion between nodes for \(k=4\) and \(P=4\)?

  1. 1/161
  2. 2/161
  3. 1/41
  4. 2/41
  5. None of above

Original idea by: Germán Darío Buitrago Salazar

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