
Sunday, May 29, 2022


Analyze the following statements and select the correct alternative.

  1. The Barabási-Albert model describes a network where a new node is twice as likely to connect to a degree-four node than a degree-two ode;
  2. When the dynamical exponent is β=1/2 in a BA network, the first-mover advantage might emerge over time, making hubs larger because they arrived earlier. But in real networks, that is not always the case. BA is a minimum model and does not account for nodes' intrinsic properties;
  3. The Barabási-Albert model predicts networks that result in rich-gets-richer dynamics which can be replicated in a real network regardless of the intrinsic properties of its nodes.
  1. Statements I and III are true.
  2. Statements I and II are true.
  3. Statements II and III are true.
  4. Only statement III is true.
  5. None of the above.

Original idea by: André Portela

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