
Sunday, May 29, 2022


Consider the following statements, regarding the Bianconi-Barabási model.

  1. The preferential attachment is driven by the product of a node's fitness, η, and its degree \( k \).
  2. A node with a higher fitness will increase its degree faster. 
  3. When all fitnesses are equal, the Bianconi-Barabási model reduces to the Barabási-Albert model.
  4. The earlier a node joins the network, the larger is its degree at any time.

Choose the best answer.

  1. I - True; II - True; III - False; IV - False.
  2. I - True; II - False; III - False; IV - True.
  3. I - False; II - True; III - True; IV - False.
  4. I - True; II - True; III - True; IV - False.
  5. None of the above.

Original idea by: Diogo Souza

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